DEKO 190
Bedpan washer disinfector for automatic washing and thermal disinfection of re-usable items
DEKO 190 is designed to empty, flush, wash and thermally disinfect human waste containers such as bedpans, urine bottles, kidney bowls and suction bottles. The machine can also be used to process items such as solution bottles, cleaning equipment and shoes, along with nearly all re-usable care products that circulate internally within a ward and that are not in contact with mucous membranes or broken skin.
Thanks to its superior washing efficacy, the DEKO 190 is also capable of pre-washing instruments before they are sent for washing and sterilisation.
Available in two variants: DEKO 190 GT and DEKO 190 X2. See details on the brochure.
- Hospital wards and sluice rooms in aged care facilities (nursing homes)
- Facility maintenance